Journal: Percutio

Cover: S. Bianciardi

An annual published in hard copy in New Zealand and France paying special attention to the creative process and issues relating to translation.


Percutio is dedicated primarily to reflections upon the creative process, particularly in relation to work that bridges cultures.

Cover: N. Bunn

Percutio may, therefore, feature poetry, essays, extracts from novels, choreography, approaches to composition and journal entries in English and the language of creation.

Cover:A. Loeffler

The deadline each year is April 10th.

Submissions are welcome.

View the pilot issue (without images) free of charge here.
View the contents lists and editorials of past issues here.

Download past issues
Format: Adobe
Suitable devices: Tablet PCs, PCs, Macs, Laptops



Sri Lanka: from the Arrival of Homo Sapiens to the Indian Ocean Maritime Hub. Jacques Coulardeau and Ivan Eve.

We are witnessing the relative decline of the Atlantic Ocean and the RAPID development of the Indian Ocean where the major maritime routes from Asia to Europe and Africa cross. Development by the Chinese of several maritime container harbours is about to transform commerce in this ocean resulting in a network of hubs and shuttles between them. Hambantota in Sri Lanka should become the central hub due to its central position in the Indian Ocean.

But this re-development of the Indian Ocean is not unprecedented. One has only to step back over six centuries to the period of the great commercial maritime presence of the Chinese fleet in the 15th century under admiral Zheng He. The closing up of maritime commerce in China after Zheng He’s death was the result of the political victory of the Chinese Confucian elite, which left the Indian ocean open to European fleets.

In the present situation with China being the second economy in the world and Europe being its first customer, the Indian ocean is endowed with a great future especially since the Chinese are trying to take over the transportation and distribution of their own goods to be able to deal with the increasing cost of labour in China and fluctuations in the valuation of the Yuan by eliminating speculation on the circulation of their goods between China itself and Europe.

Download/View this essay. 10.8MB [pdf] Jacques Coulardeau and Ivan Eve (updated 3.11.2011).